

October 4, 2023

Flower Power: A sustainability campaign for Primark Cares to put Manchester in bloom

From illustration to shop window – a look behind a powerful, floral campaign with a very tight turn-around



Three creatives, two events, and one quick turnaround for Primark Cares

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In a transformed education zone within its flag-ship store in Manchester, Primark was holding sewing workshops to teach shoppers how to creatively repair their clothes.

It was one of many hands-on initiatives in line with Primark Cares – the retailer’s vision for making more sustainable fashion affordable to everyone.

As dates for the workshops coincided with The Manchester Flower Festival – an opportunity arose for a playful brand campaign that intertwined promotion of the workshops with the annual community event that had set Manchester in bloom.

In just three days – with a holy trinity of creatives covering design, copy, and animation on the job – Primark’s vision was quickly brought to life.

How to prepare for a quick turnaround

You’ve probably got every system in place needed to execute a successful project. But ifyou need to act fast under pressure, focus your preparation efforts on your people.

01 – Choose your players

Create a tight crack team.

Too many cooks – you know the rest.

Define your crack team of only essential players for this specific job.

Give each one clearly defined roles and responsibilities that don’t overlap.

02 – Heighten the way you usually communicate

Communication has to run more smoothly than usual.

Before your project starts, do a quick review of what usually does and doesn’t work for this specific group of people – then iron out the creases.

03 – Make sure everyone feels trusted

It’s near impossible to perform to the best of our abilities while being micromanaged or criticised.

Everyone selected in the crack team is here fora reason – let it be known.

Celebrate, support, and trust.

This article is featured in SS24 zine for fashion brand and marketing professionals. Click here to request your copy from our team.


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